The overall development direction and focus of this program is to cultivate local high-level Chinese language teachers, as well as "advanced Chinese language and elementary Chinese studies" professionals in the international community. In terms of ACTFL level, this course will train international students to reach an excellent level of Chinese proficiency, and will also train local students to have the ability to teach international students to achieve an excellent level of Chinese proficiency.Explore more
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Course introduction
清華大學人文社會學院華語文碩士學位學程所承辦美國國務院National Security Language Initiative for Youth暑期華語課程,共有來自美國各州15至18歲的22名高中生參與。經過六週的充實學習,學生們不僅大大地提升了華語能力,也深刻體驗到台灣文化的多元魅力。