Master's Program in Chinese Language and Culture, National Tsing Hua University

2023-2024 Course Schedule

Sep. 2023 - Jan. 2024

Required or Elective Category Courses Credits Offered by Faculty
Required Linguistics Chinese Linguistics 3 Dept. of Chinese Literature Prof. LIU, CHENG-HUI
Elective Culture Topics in Modern Chinese Theatre 3 Dept. of Chinese Literature Assoc. Prof. LO, SHIH-LUNG
Elective Culture Topics on Graphic literature (I) 3 Dept. of Chinese Literature Asst. Prof. YANG, CHIN-CHI
Elective Culture Topics in Early-Qing Poetry 3 Dept. of Chinese Literature Assoc. Prof LEE, HSIN-HSI
Elective Culture Seminar on The May Fourth New Culture Movement 3 Dept. of Chinese Literature Assoc. Prof YANG, CHIA-HSIEN
Elective Culture Metaphysical Schools of Wei-Chin 3 Dept. of Chinese Literature Prof. LIN, TSUNG-SHUN
Elective Culture Sociology of Family 3 Institute of Sociology Assoc. Prof SHEN, HSIU-HUA
Elective Culture Introduction to China Studies 3 Institute of Sociology Asst. Prof. TAO, YI-CHUN
Elective Culture Society and Culture of Han Chinese 3 Institute of Anthropology Assoc. Prof FANG, I-CHIEH
Elective Culture Changes of Taiwan Society and Language 3 Institute of Sinophone Studies Prof. CHEN, SHU-CHUAN
Elective Teaching Studies in Material Compilation and Analysis 3 Master’s Program in Chinese Language and Culture Assoc. Prof WU, CHEN-HUEI

Feb. - Jun. 2024

Required or Elective Category Courses Credits Offered by Faculty
Elective Linguistics Seminar on Practical Writing of Argumentative Essays 3 Dept. of Chinese Literature Prof LIU, CHENG-HUI
Elective Culture Topics on the Chinese Medieval Poetry 3 Dept. of Chinese Literature Assoc. Prof HSU, MING-CHUAN
Elective Linguistics Seminar on Subjectivity in Language 3 Dept. of Chinese Literature Asst. Prof. YEW BOON HOCK
Elective Linguistics, Teaching Seminar on Chinese Grammar's Teaching 2 Dept. of Chinese Literature Asst. Prof. YEW BOON HOCK
Elective Culture Life course and globalization 3 Institute of Anthropology Assoc. Prof FANG, I-CHIEH
Elective Culture Social and Cultural History of the Song Dynasty 3 Institute of History Prof LIAO, HSIEN-HUEI
Required Teaching Teaching Practice for Chinese as a Second Language 3 Master’s Program in Chinese Language and Culture Assoc. Prof WU, CHEN-HUEI
Elective Internship Overseas Study of Chinese Language 3 Master’s Program in Chinese Language and Culture