About Us
Welcome to the Master's Program in Chinese Language and Culture, NTHU The Master's Program in Chinese Language and Culture(MCLC) at the Colle
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Mission & Vision
Interdisciplinary Fusion and Innovation We aim for the MCLC to span various fields, integrating literature, linguistics, history, sociology, and othe
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College of Humanities and Social Sciences Master's Program in Chinese Language and Culture Head Assoc. Prof. Wu, Chen-Huei Program
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Program Head
Associate Professor Wu, Chen-Huei Wu, Chen-Huei Head:Master's Program in Chinese Language and CultureTEL:(03)571-5131 Ext.344
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The Master's Program in Chinese Language and Culture brings together excellent teachers from various departments within the College of Humanities
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Wu, Chen-Huei Head Associate Professor Master's Program in Chinese Language and Culture +886-3-571-5131 Ext.34425 chenhueiwu@gapp.nthu.edu.tw Sha
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Graduate Studies Our professional education model is distinct in its approach, integrating internships, service learning, and overseas exchange oppor
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Grants International students are eligible to apply from the following scholarships or financial support. Scholarships may come from different source
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The program provides outstanding educational and research resources with the goal of enhancing the proficiency of international students in the Chine
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Degree Requirements
Regulations and Degree Requirements Students enrolled in the program are required to complete 24 credits of coursework. The specific course titles wi
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